E-mail:[email protected]




McMaster University
Hamilton, Ontario
-Computer Engineering
Courses: OOP,Software design, Control systems,CAD,Digital Systems Design AM/FM radios, Micro-Electronics and etc.

Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer
Electives in TCP/IP and IIS



Woburn Collegiate Institute
-Ontario Scholor & Received OSSD diploma in 1997


Computer Skills

*Familiar with ABEL-HDL Programming for PLDs and have some knowledge in assembly language
*programmed an 8051 micro controller/used CAD and "synario" softwares for PLD programming.
*Familiar with analog to digital and digital to analog converters.
*Programming in C language
*Excellent Knowledge in Networking
*Programming in Maple, MATLAB, C++ and Turbo Pascal
*Webpage designing using HTML , pagemill, frontpage97/00
*Operating System:win95/98/00/NT and MS-DOS
*Familiar with Word Perfect, MS Office,
Paint Shop Pro 5 and Turbo CAD and etc.

Volunteer Experience

99-00 Co-Webpage Designer, McMaster Tamil Students Associations
1998-1999 McMaster Sri Lankan Association Events Coordinator
*Organized movie nights, dinner dances and other cultural events.
1998 McMaster Engineering Open HouseVolunteer
*Explained and demonstrated the playing of tic tac toe with the robot to students
1997 McMaster Engineering Design Competition Judge
*Judged and evaluated designs of high school students 'Water transporting' device
1995 Providence Center Old age Home, Scarborough, Ontario
*Provided meal assistance, wheelchair maintenance and other friendly services to the seniors.
1995&1997 Harbourfront Center Milk Festival Toronto, Ontario
*Assisted children in painting, making clay dolls and 'dream catchers'
1992-1997 St.Thomas More Church Scarborough, Ontario
*Provided Altar service and participated in various church activities
And Many more Other volunteer Experience including teaching, and organizing sports clubs


Reading, swimming, baseball, floor hockey, soccer, computers games.

